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  • Photo du rédacteurDiatribe.

The doom slayer.

Dernière mise à jour : 30 sept. 2020

Life is one big pit that none of us are ever going to get out of, and this is not a revelation.

At this point, all of us feel that something has to change; all of us know that something is wrong; you only need to turn on your television!

We are contemplating the end of the world in which we grew up, and we don't know what to do about it; that's why people in every piece of the globe start sit-ins, protests, riots.

No one broke the system; they build it that way; if we cannot fight it, we can make it fail; the very rebellious act we may take is to realize that we have been fed with lies our whole life!

And with this conclusion, we can finally start to care about ourselves and help each other for no consideration.

We should not use old ways to get rid of the actual mess; we better come up with a plan to get ourselves out of this infernal doom where we suffocate trying to fit in with old-fashion fools.

If we start loving ourselves and each other, we will be able to clean the dust and the mud out of this pit.

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